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60 Minutes Speed Reading Training Course for Secondary School Students: “Rapid Reads: Essential Speed Reading Skills for Secondary Scholars in Just an Hour”

Welcome to “Rapid Reads: Essential Speed Reading Skills for Secondary Scholars in Just an Hour,” a revolutionary 60 Minutes Speed Reading Training Course tailored specifically for secondary school students. In today’s fast-paced academic environment, the ability to comprehend and digest large volumes of information efficiently is more crucial than ever. This course is meticulously designed to equip students with the essential skills necessary to navigate through textbooks, articles, and other academic materials swiftly and effectively. Through a combination of proven strategies, practical exercises, and interactive learning modules, students will unlock their full reading potential in just one hour.

In “Rapid Reads,” students will embark on a transformative journey to enhance their reading speed, comprehension, and retention. Led by experienced educators and experts in the field of speed reading, this course provides a structured and engaging learning experience. Students will learn how to eliminate subvocalization, expand their peripheral vision, and utilize powerful techniques such as skimming and scanning to extract key information rapidly. By mastering these techniques, students will not only excel in their academic pursuits but also develop a lifelong skill that will benefit them in various aspects of their personal and professional lives.

Join us in “Rapid Reads” and discover the power of speed reading to unlock a world of knowledge in just 60 minutes. Whether you’re preparing for exams, conducting research, or simply seeking to broaden your intellectual horizons, this course will revolutionize the way you approach reading. Don’t let time be a barrier to your academic success – enroll in “Rapid Reads” today and unleash your true reading potential.


1. Increase Reading Speed: The primary objective of the “Rapid Reads” course is to help secondary school students significantly increase their reading speed. By employing proven techniques and strategies, students will learn how to read faster without sacrificing comprehension, enabling them to cover more material in less time.

2. Enhance Comprehension: While speed is important, comprehension is equally crucial. “Rapid Reads” aims to enhance students’ comprehension skills so that they can effectively grasp and retain information even as they read at accelerated speeds. Through targeted exercises and interactive sessions, students will sharpen their ability to understand and analyze complex texts.

3. Eliminate Subvocalization: Subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words while reading, can significantly slow down reading speed. One of the objectives of the course is to help students break free from this habit and learn to read without subvocalizing. By doing so, students will be able to read more quickly and efficiently.

4. Develop Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Skimming and scanning are invaluable skills for quickly locating key information within a text. The course aims to teach students how to effectively skim through passages to get a general understanding and scan for specific details or keywords. These techniques are particularly useful for tasks such as research and exam preparation.

5. Expand Peripheral Vision: Peripheral vision plays a crucial role in speed reading by allowing readers to take in more words at once. “Rapid Reads” includes exercises designed to expand students’ peripheral vision, enabling them to read larger chunks of text with each glance and thus further increasing their reading speed.

6. Cultivate Lifelong Reading Habits: Beyond the immediate goal of improving reading speed and comprehension, “Rapid Reads” seeks to instill in students a lifelong love for reading and learning. By equipping students with valuable speed reading skills early in their academic journey, the course aims to empower them to become avid readers who can tackle any text with confidence and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, “Rapid Reads: Essential Speed Reading Skills for Secondary Scholars in Just an Hour” offers a transformative learning experience tailored to meet the unique needs of secondary school students. Through this course, students not only learn to read faster but also to comprehend and retain information more effectively. By mastering techniques such as eliminating subvocalization, developing skimming and scanning skills, and expanding peripheral vision, students gain invaluable tools for navigating the vast amounts of information they encounter in their academic pursuits. Moreover, “Rapid Reads” aims to instill in students a lifelong passion for reading and learning, setting them on a path towards academic success and personal growth. Embrace the opportunity to unlock your full reading potential in just 60 minutes with “Rapid Reads.”

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$389.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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