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Welcome to the Express Memory Tune-up course tailored specifically for university students in Ghana! This course is designed to provide a quick yet effective boost to your memory capabilities in just one hour. In today’s fast-paced academic environment, having a sharp memory is crucial for retaining information, excelling in exams, and overall academic success. Whether you’re preparing for an upcoming test, improving your study habits, or simply seeking to enhance your memory performance, this course offers practical techniques and strategies to help you achieve your memory goals efficiently. Let’s dive into the world of memory enhancement and unlock your full cognitive potential in just 60 minutes!


1. Introduce students to fundamental memory principles and the science behind memory enhancement.
2. Teach memory boosting techniques such as visualization, association, and keyword mnemonic strategies for quick memory recall.
3. Enhance concentration, focus, and attention through short mindfulness exercises and attention-building activities.
4. Provide tips and tricks for effective note-taking, summarization, and information retention during lectures and study sessions.
5. Guide students in creating a personalized memory improvement plan tailored to their specific learning needs and goals.
6. Offer immediate memory improvement strategies that can be applied instantly to boost memory performance during academic tasks and exams.

In conclusion, the Express Memory Tune-up course offers university students in Ghana a compact yet impactful solution to enhance memory abilities and study performance. By implementing the strategies learned in this course, you’ll be equipped to tackle academic challenges with confidence and efficiency. Don’t let forgetfulness hold you back – take charge of your memory and excel in your academic journey!

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: USD$221.91 
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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