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60 Minutes Speed Reading Training Course for International Baccalaureate (IB) Students: “IB Quick Read: Rapid 60-Minute Speed Reading Mastery”

Welcome to the “IB Quick Read: Rapid 60-Minute Speed Reading Mastery,” a specialized training program designed exclusively for International Baccalaureate (IB) students aiming to enhance their reading proficiency in a limited timeframe. In the challenging academic environment of the IB program, where rigorous coursework and extensive reading assignments are common, mastering efficient reading techniques is essential for success. This concise yet intensive 60-minute course is meticulously crafted to equip IB students with the tools and strategies they need to become adept and efficient readers while navigating the demanding curriculum.

The “IB Quick Read” isn’t just a course; it’s a rapid immersion into the world of speed reading mastery tailored specifically for IB students. Within the span of just one hour, participants will engage in focused workshops, practical exercises, and targeted instruction aimed at increasing their reading speed without compromising comprehension. By mastering advanced techniques such as skimming, scanning, and critical analysis, IB students will gain the ability to tackle complex texts more effectively and efficiently, enabling them to excel in their academic pursuits.

Join us on the “IB Quick Read” and embark on a transformative journey towards improved reading skills and academic success within the IB program. Whether preparing for assessments, delving into challenging texts, or conducting research for extended essays, this 60-minute speed reading mastery course empowers IB students to become confident and proficient readers. Don’t miss the opportunity to optimize your reading abilities and unlock your full potential – enroll in the “IB Quick Read” today and embark on a path towards academic excellence in the IB program and beyond.


1. Increase Reading Speed: The primary objective of the “IB Quick Read” course is to equip International Baccalaureate (IB) students with the skills to significantly increase their reading speed within the limited timeframe of 60 minutes. Through targeted instruction and practical exercises, participants will learn techniques to read faster while maintaining comprehension, enabling them to cover more material efficiently.

2. Enhance Reading Comprehension: Alongside speed, comprehension is crucial for effective reading. This course aims to improve students’ comprehension skills, ensuring they can understand and retain information effectively even at accelerated reading speeds. Through interactive exercises and strategies, participants will develop the ability to grasp the meaning of texts with clarity.

3. Master Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Skimming and scanning are essential skills for navigating through texts quickly, which is particularly relevant in the context of the IB program’s extensive reading requirements. The “IB Quick Read” introduces students to advanced skimming and scanning techniques, enabling them to identify key information and main ideas in texts efficiently.

4. Eliminate Subvocalization: Subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words while reading, can impede reading speed. This course aims to help students overcome this habit, allowing them to read more efficiently by eliminating unnecessary mental processes that slow down their reading pace.

5. Optimize Time Management: Effective time management is crucial for IB students juggling multiple subjects and assignments. By enhancing reading speed and study strategies, students will develop better time management skills, enabling them to allocate time effectively across different tasks and subjects, ultimately leading to overall academic advancement.

6. Foster Confidence in Reading: Confidence is key to becoming a proficient reader. The “IB Quick Read” course aims to build students’ confidence in their reading abilities by providing them with the tools and strategies to tackle texts with ease and efficiency, empowering them to succeed in the rigorous academic environment of the IB program.

In conclusion, the “IB Quick Read: Rapid 60-Minute Speed Reading Mastery” offers International Baccalaureate (IB) students a focused and intensive opportunity to enhance their reading skills in a short timeframe. Through targeted instruction, practical exercises, and personalized support, participants embark on a journey to increase reading speed, improve comprehension, and develop essential skills such as skimming, scanning, and time management. By fostering confidence and providing strategies tailored to the unique demands of the IB program, this course empowers students to navigate through extensive reading assignments with efficiency and proficiency. Don’t miss the opportunity to optimize your reading abilities and excel in the IB program – enroll in the “IB Quick Read” today and unlock your full potential for academic success.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$389.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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