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2 Full Days Speed Reading Training Course for University Students: “Advanced Reading Intensive: Two-Day Workshop for University Scholars”

Welcome to “Advanced Reading Intensive: Two-Day Workshop for University Scholars,” a comprehensive and transformative speed reading training course designed to empower university students with advanced reading skills over the course of two full days. In this immersive workshop, participants will embark on an intensive journey to master advanced speed reading techniques, enhance comprehension, and optimize reading efficiency. With the demanding academic requirements faced by university scholars, the ability to process information quickly and effectively is essential for success. “Advanced Reading Intensive” offers practical strategies, hands-on exercises, and personalized guidance to help students meet these challenges head-on and excel in their academic endeavors.

Over the span of two full days, participants will engage in focused instruction, interactive activities, and practical demonstrations aimed at honing their speed reading abilities to the fullest extent. Through targeted exercises on skimming, scanning, eliminating subvocalization, and enhancing time management, students will gain the confidence and proficiency to tackle reading assignments with ease and efficiency. Whether it’s textbooks, research papers, or supplementary materials, “Advanced Reading Intensive” equips participants with the skills and strategies to navigate through reading materials swiftly and effectively, freeing up valuable time for other academic and personal pursuits.

Join us for “Advanced Reading Intensive” and unlock your full reading potential in just two days. With a focus on comprehensive learning and practical application, this workshop provides university students with the necessary tools and techniques to thrive in their academic endeavors and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your reading skills and embark on a journey towards enhanced learning and academic excellence – enroll in “Advanced Reading Intensive” today and experience the transformative impact on your academic journey!


1. Significantly Increase Reading Speed: The primary objective of the “Advanced Reading Intensive” workshop is to help university students substantially increase their reading speed over the course of two full days. Through targeted instruction, practical exercises, and personalized coaching, participants will learn advanced techniques to read faster while maintaining comprehension, enabling them to cover more material efficiently.

2. Enhance Reading Comprehension: Alongside speed, the workshop aims to improve participants’ comprehension skills to ensure they can understand and retain information effectively. By employing advanced strategies such as active engagement with texts and critical analysis, students will develop the ability to grasp complex concepts and ideas with clarity.

3. Master Advanced Skimming and Scanning Techniques: “Advanced Reading Intensive” focuses on equipping students with advanced skimming and scanning techniques tailored to the rigorous demands of university-level reading materials. Participants will learn to quickly identify key information and main ideas while efficiently navigating through dense texts.

4. Eliminate Subvocalization and Improve Silent Reading: Subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing words while reading, can impede reading speed. This workshop helps students overcome this habit and enhance silent reading skills, enabling them to read more efficiently by eliminating unnecessary mental processes.

5. Enhance Time Management Strategies: Effective time management is crucial for university students balancing multiple assignments and responsibilities. By refining their reading speed and efficiency, participants will develop better time management skills, enabling them to allocate their time more effectively to other tasks.

6. Foster Confidence and Self-Efficacy: Confidence is key to academic success. The workshop aims to build participants’ confidence in their reading abilities by providing them with advanced skills and strategies to tackle challenging reading assignments with confidence and self-assurance.

7. Develop Advanced Critical Thinking Skills: “Advanced Reading Intensive” fosters advanced critical thinking skills in participants by encouraging deep engagement with texts, questioning assumptions, and synthesizing information from multiple sources.

8. Enhance Analytical Reasoning Abilities: Analytical reasoning is essential for success in university studies and beyond. Through targeted exercises and discussions, students will sharpen their analytical reasoning abilities, enabling them to approach complex problems with clarity and precision.

9. Cultivate Lifelong Learning Habits: “Advanced Reading Intensive” promotes lifelong learning habits by instilling a love for reading and providing participants with the skills and strategies to continue learning independently beyond the workshop.

10. Expand Vocabulary and Language Proficiency: A rich vocabulary is crucial for success in university studies. The workshop includes activities and exercises designed to expand participants’ vocabulary, introducing them to advanced academic vocabulary and encouraging their usage in context.

11. Foster Collaboration and Communication Skills: Collaboration and communication skills are vital in today’s interconnected world. The workshop encourages collaboration among participants through group activities and discussions, fostering teamwork and effective communication skills essential for success in academic and professional settings.

12. Provide In-Depth Understanding of Complex Texts: Participants will develop the ability to analyze and understand complex texts more deeply through advanced reading techniques and critical analysis, enabling them to engage with challenging academic materials with confidence.

13. Adapt Reading Strategies to Diverse Texts: Different types of texts require different reading strategies. Participants will learn to adapt their advanced speed reading techniques to various genres and formats, ensuring they can effectively navigate through a wide range of reading materials encountered in university studies.

14. Enhance Memory and Retention: Effective reading techniques can enhance memory and retention of information. Participants will learn strategies to improve memory recall and retention of key concepts and information encountered in their reading materials.

15. Provide Personalized Support and Feedback: Each student’s learning journey is unique, and “Advanced Reading Intensive” offers personalized support to address individual needs and challenges. Instructors provide guidance and feedback tailored to each student, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their reading goals effectively.

16. Foster a Growth Mindset: “Advanced Reading Intensive” fosters a growth mindset in participants, encouraging them to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. Through this mindset, participants can continually improve their reading skills and academic performance over time.

In conclusion, “Advanced Reading Intensive” offers university students a comprehensive and immersive two-day experience to elevate their reading skills to an advanced level. With objectives ranging from significantly increasing reading speed and enhancing comprehension to fostering critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and collaboration skills, participants can expect to undergo a transformative learning journey. The workshop provides advanced techniques and strategies tailored to the rigorous demands of university-level reading materials, empowering students to navigate complex texts with confidence and proficiency. With personalized support, feedback, and a focus on fostering a growth mindset, participants are equipped not only to excel academically but also to cultivate lifelong learning habits essential for success in their academic and professional endeavors. Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your reading skills and embark on a journey towards enhanced learning and academic excellence – enroll in “Advanced Reading Intensive” today and experience the transformative impact on your academic journey!

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$889.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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