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1 Full Day Speed Reading Training Course for Secondary School Students: “Total Transformation: Dive Deep into Speed Reading Excellence for Teens in a Day”

Welcome to “Total Transformation: Dive Deep into Speed Reading Excellence for Teens in a Day,” a dynamic Full Day Speed Reading Training Course meticulously crafted for secondary school students. In an era defined by information overload, the ability to read quickly and effectively is a valuable skill for academic success. This intensive course is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in speed reading techniques, empowering them to absorb and comprehend information at an accelerated pace. Through a series of engaging workshops, interactive exercises, and personalized instruction, participants will embark on a transformative journey toward becoming proficient speed readers within a single day.

“Total Transformation” aims to revolutionize the way secondary school students approach reading by equipping them with a range of advanced speed reading strategies. Throughout the course, students will learn how to increase their reading speed while maintaining high levels of comprehension, enabling them to tackle dense textbooks, research articles, and exam materials with confidence. From overcoming common reading obstacles to honing critical skills such as skimming, scanning, and expanding peripheral vision, participants will gain invaluable tools to enhance their academic performance and productivity.

Join us for “Total Transformation” and unlock the full potential of your reading abilities in just one day. Whether you’re preparing for exams, conducting research, or simply seeking to stay ahead in your studies, this immersive course offers a unique opportunity to develop essential speed reading skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. Don’t miss out on the chance to embark on a journey of rapid literacy improvement with “Total Transformation.”


1. Significantly Increase Reading Speed: The primary objective of “Total Transformation” is to help secondary school students substantially increase their reading speed. Through targeted instruction and practice, students will learn techniques to read faster while maintaining comprehension, enabling them to tackle academic materials more efficiently.

2. Enhance Comprehension: Alongside speed, comprehension is crucial. The course aims to enhance students’ comprehension skills, ensuring they can understand and retain information effectively even at accelerated reading speeds.

3. Eliminate Subvocalization: Subvocalization can slow down reading speed. “Total Transformation” aims to help students overcome this habit, allowing them to read more efficiently by eliminating the need to silently pronounce words.

4. Master Skimming and Scanning Techniques: Skimming and scanning are essential skills for quickly extracting key information from texts. The course will teach students how to effectively skim passages for the main ideas and scan for specific details or keywords.

5. Expand Peripheral Vision: Peripheral vision plays a crucial role in speed reading. “Total Transformation” includes exercises to expand students’ peripheral vision, enabling them to read larger chunks of text with each glance and thus further increasing their reading speed.

6. Improve Focus and Concentration: Concentration is vital for effective reading. The course aims to improve students’ focus and concentration through mindfulness techniques and attention-building exercises.

7. Enhance Reading Fluency: “Total Transformation” seeks to enhance students’ reading fluency, enabling them to read smoothly and expressively. Through guided practice and feedback, students will develop confidence and clarity in their reading.

8. Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Reading involves more than just understanding words. The course will help students develop critical thinking skills, enabling them to analyze and evaluate texts critically.

9. Promote Active Reading Strategies: “Total Transformation” will teach students active reading strategies such as annotation and summarization, empowering them to engage more deeply with the material they read.

10. Boost Academic Performance: By improving reading speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills, the course aims to boost students’ overall academic performance across subjects.

11. Cultivate Lifelong Learning Habits: Beyond academic success, “Total Transformation” seeks to instill in students a love for learning. By equipping them with effective speed reading skills and promoting the enjoyment of reading, the course aims to cultivate habits of lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity.

12. Empower Personal Growth: Through the acquisition of advanced reading skills, “Total Transformation” aims to empower students to pursue their academic and personal goals with confidence and efficiency, fostering a sense of personal growth and achievement.

In conclusion, “Total Transformation: Dive Deep into Speed Reading Excellence for Teens” offers a comprehensive and focused approach to enhancing reading skills among secondary school students. By addressing key objectives such as increasing reading speed, improving comprehension, and overcoming common barriers like subvocalization, this full-day course equips students with valuable tools for academic success. Through interactive exercises, students not only develop essential speed reading techniques but also cultivate important skills such as focus, concentration, and fluency. Moreover, “Total Transformation” fosters a love for reading and promotes lifelong learning habits, empowering students to navigate the vast world of information with confidence and enthusiasm. Embrace the opportunity to accelerate your reading abilities and embark on a journey of literacy improvement with “Total Transformation” today.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$689.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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