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Our Memory Training Courses is available in Beirut, Tripoli, Sidon (Saida), Tyre (Sour), Nabatieh, Jounieh, Zahle, Baalbek, Byblos (Jbeil), Aley, Bint Jbeil, Zgharta, Batroun, Jiyeh, Bhamdoun, Marjayoun, Chouf, Hermel, Zahlé, Kfarshima, Anjar, Broumana, Dekwaneh, Damour, Baskinta, Mina, Douma, Amchit, Arsal, Ain Ebel, Beiteddine, Bsharri, Ehden, Jezzine, Rachaya, Rashaya al-Wadi, Bcharre, Deir el Qamar, Aanjar, Harissa, Douma, Brummana, and Faqra.

Join us for “Full-Day Mental Boost,” an immersive memory training course tailored specifically for senior citizens in Lebanon. This comprehensive program is designed to provide a full day of cognitive stimulation, memory enhancement techniques, and practical strategies to promote mental acuity and well-being. Throughout the day, participants will engage in interactive workshops, stimulating activities, and memory exercises aimed at sharpening memory skills, improving cognitive function, and enhancing overall mental agility. Whether aiming to remember important information, stay mentally sharp, or simply enjoy a more fulfilling daily life, this course offers invaluable tools to support cognitive health and vitality in later years. Don’t miss this opportunity to revitalize your mind and embrace a more vibrant and fulfilling lifestyle. Join us for this transformative full-day session and unlock the potential of your mental prowess.


1. Comprehensive Memory Techniques: Introduce participants to a wide range of memory enhancement techniques tailored to the needs of senior citizens, including visualization, association, and mnemonic devices.
2. Cognitive Stimulation: Provide a variety of stimulating activities and exercises designed to promote brain health, improve cognitive function, and maintain mental acuity throughout the day.
3. Practical Memory Strategies: Teach practical strategies for remembering important information, such as names, dates, and daily tasks, to enhance independence and quality of life.
4. Focus and Concentration Improvement: Offer exercises and techniques to improve focus and concentration, enabling seniors to better absorb and retain information.
5. Confidence Building: Build confidence in memory abilities through successful application of memory enhancement techniques and positive reinforcement throughout the day.
6. Social Interaction Enhancement: Provide ample opportunities for social interaction and engagement to support cognitive health and overall well-being.
7. Stress Reduction Techniques: Teach stress reduction techniques to promote relaxation and mental clarity, facilitating optimal cognitive function throughout the day.
8. Emotional Well-being Promotion: Offer activities and discussions aimed at promoting emotional well-being and resilience in senior citizens.
9. Physical Activity Integration: Integrate physical activities into the program to promote overall health and well-being, which can also have positive effects on cognitive function.
10. Memory Maintenance Strategies: Provide strategies and tools for maintaining and reinforcing memory skills over time, ensuring sustained improvement and effectiveness beyond the course.
11. Empowerment: Empower participants to take an active role in maintaining cognitive health and well-being through regular practice of memory techniques and engagement in stimulating activities.
12. Lifelong Learning Promotion: Promote a culture of lifelong learning and curiosity by encouraging participants to continue seeking new experiences and challenges to keep their minds sharp and engaged even after the course has ended.

In conclusion, the “Full-Day Mental Boost” memory training course offers a comprehensive and immersive experience tailored specifically for senior citizens in Lebanon. Through a diverse range of memory enhancement techniques, cognitive stimulation activities, and practical strategies, participants are equipped with the tools to promote mental acuity, independence, and overall well-being. By fostering confidence, social interaction, stress reduction, and empowerment throughout the day, this course empowers seniors to maintain cognitive health and embrace a fulfilling lifestyle. With a focus on lifelong learning and continued practice of memory maintenance strategies, participants are encouraged to embark on a journey of ongoing cognitive growth and enrichment beyond the course. Don’t miss this opportunity to revitalize your mind and unlock your full potential. Join us for this transformative full-day session and embark on a path to a sharper and more vibrant cognitive future.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: USD$681.08
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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